Friday, February 7, 2014

Small Success Thursday #6 (A day late!)

It's been a whirlwind of a week, so I'm writing our "small successes" a day late.  And, you know what?  I'm going to call my small success #1 the fact that I don't care that it's late!

On to our other small successes for this week:

I'm gonna go ahead and call this the week of Harry successes because almost all of them are about him.

Even though I abandoned the baby books (for now), we remembered to capture Harry's 5-month pictures in the laundry basket.  By some miracle, I remembered to capture this pose and put all of the siblings' pictures at 5 months side by side.  Isn't it incredible how much they look alike?  (Left to right:  Harry, Walt, and Jane)

My amazing brother and sister-in-law watched the kiddos for us overnight on Saturday.  We didn't know what to do with ourselves!  We went to Mass, had a great dinner out at a delicious Italian restaurant (yay for coupon social sites!), and brought some dessert home.  I think we fell asleep by 10:30, but that's late for us, so, yay!

Apparently we have another big Thomas fan in the family.  When Jane put this Thomas engine in Harry's lap while I was cleaning up from lunch, he sat up!  I'm sad to say that means we're done with the bouncer, but Harry is happy as can be hanging out in his exersaucer instead.

Harry tried rice cereal for the first time, and he couldn't get enough of it!  Jane thought it was so funny, so she asked to help feed him.  After each bite, he kept leaning forward for more, and he resisted letting go of the spoon.  Let's pray that means we'll have another good eater in the family!

Using pipe cleaners and pony beads is helping to keep the kiddos engaged during family prayer time.

To help introduce the kids to Sacred Scripture, I introduced a "Memory Verse of the Week" on Monday.  I'm using this Totally Tots site with a Bible verse for each letter of the Alphabet.  The Bible verse for "A" is Psalm 17:8 "Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me in the shadow of your wing."  

I put the verses up on the fridge where we will see them often.  The kids and I say the verse whenever we think of it.  We did a simple apple craft to help cement the verse in our memory.  I am putting the verses and the accompanying crafts into a binder with page protectors for each kid.  I am adding in activities we do for that letter as well.  The kids love them, and they are so excited to have their work put together in a binder.

My new blog site is coming along nicely, and I'm planning to launch it by the middle of next week.  Philip has done such a great job helping me put it all together.  The new site will make it easier for people to share posts, write comments, and subscribe.  Stay tuned!

Oh, and this cuteness happened:

That's a success, right?  I know, my definition of "success" is so broad, and these posts are truly just weeks in review, but it's my blog, and I'll blog how I want to!

I've been blogging long enough that I have a post to re-share with some activities we did to help us get into the Olympic spirit.  Here's a link with some things we did during the 2012 Summer Olympics.  

Your turn!  What are your small successes from this week?  Come on over to CatholicMom to share and join in the fun.  If you're using social media, use the hashtag #SmallSuccess.  Have a great weekend!

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