I found this fantastic idea to create a system using saint coins, chore charts, and a family store from Humble Dwelling. I've tweaked the system to make it work for us.
Today, I'll share how the system works. Tomorrow, I'll share how I created our saint coins and the kids' coin jars.
How the system works
The saint coins are the currency for our reward system.
The kids receive saint tokens for performing their duties well, being exemplary in their behavior, or for "getting caught" being good in some other way. The token stash is stored on top of the fridge where (for now!) only Philip and I can get to it. When we catch the kids being good, we reward them with one saint coin from the master jar.
The kids store the coins they earn in their personalized coin jars. Jane and Walt received their saint coin jars in their Easter baskets.
The 3 bins will contain items categorized such as:
- 5 bin: small items like candy or dollar section toys
- 10 bin: more desirable items like play doh, coloring books, markers, crayons, sticker books
- 15 bin: trips to the ice cream store, movie rental, one-on-one time with Mom or Dad, apps, LeapPad games
I'll share pictures of the "Family Store" once I've actually made it!
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