Here are a few of our small successes from this week:
It's March, so that means we have 4 more months of residency! Yahoo!!!
I successfully completed Jen Fulwiler's "7 Posts, 7 Days" challenge.
In the midst of the craziness with the house yesterday, we made it to Mass and remembered to fast & abstain.
Jane loves feeding Harry and fed him all of his peas yesterday. Sweet big sister offered to play with Harry while I cleaned up his chair. Harry loves it when Janie blows raspberries on his tummy!
So much cuteness has happened this morning! I'm calling it a success that there's so much love around this house today.
As we were loading up to take Jane to preschool, Jane and Walt decided to sing Harry a lullaby in his carseat. I love Harry's big grin as his big sibs sing to him.
While I was cleaning the breakfast dishes, Walt ran into the kitchen and squeezed my leg. "Thanks for being my girl, Mama. I love you." I don't know where he picked up the phrase "my girl," but this mama is loving it.
Before we pulled into the school parking lot, Walt turned to Janie and said, "I'm gonna miss you, Janie!" Without skipping a beat, she said, "I'm gonna miss YOOOOOOOOOOU, Walt!"
We've had a lot of interest in the house since we listed on Monday, and we just *might* be done with showings. I like to say that "it ain't over til it's over" with the house stuff, and I probably won't be breathing easy until we're pulling away in the moving van, but, for now, things are looking good. Please pray all continues to go well as both parties dot our "i"s an cross our "t"s, have the inspection, and near the closing date. If I can get a little greedy with my prayer requests, please also pray that we find a home in Lincoln within our new parish boundaries. Unfortunately, there isn't much on the market right now, so we're hoping a home will come on the market very soon. Way to go, prayer warriors!
Your turn! What are your small successes from this week? Head on over to CatholicMom to read other small successes and share your own triumphs. If you're using social media, use the hashtag #SmallSuccess.
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