Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Prayers For Our GodTeens Family

When Philip was in high school, he participated in a fantastic program called GodTeens, and he always talked about it being his favorite part of high school.

A small group (12-15) of high school freshmen meet their Godparent couple in the fall.  They meet at the Godparent couple's house once a week throughout their time in high school, talking about the Faith, praying together, and asking questions.  The hope is to build up the Body of Christ for our Church's young people within the context of a family.

Philip and I were asked to participate as Godparents in our parish this fall.  It's a 4-year commitment for the Godparent couples who are expected to remain with the same group throughout their time in high school.  After praying about it, Philip and I agreed that we thought God was asking this of us. 

As we've been told, the windows of opportunity to participate in GodTeens seem to be when your children are really young or after they have left the nest.  Otherwise, after school activities quickly take over your evenings, and it's tough to make the 4-year commitment.  So, we embark on this journey with our oldest, Jane, being a 4-year-old preschool.  When we "graduate," Jane will be finishing 2nd grade as an 8-year-old. 

We are meeting our GodTeen freshmen tonight at the parish, and we are so excited!  When I looked at today's readings this morning, I laughed.  God has this way of making me read exactly what I need to hear.  From today's 1st Reading from 1 Corinthians:

I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth.
Therefore, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything,
but only God, who causes the growth.

That is EXACTLY the passage our parish director of religious education chose the year I taught the 8th graders in preparation for Confirmation!  So long as Philip and I remember that our job is to plant the seeds and water them carefully, the Holy Spirit will do the heavy lifting by causing the growth.

Please join us in praying for our GodTeen freshmen.  We are so eager to meet them and start becoming a part of their lives on a regular basis.  Also, please pray that Philip and I can somehow be a source of strength, peace, and encouragement throughout their high school years (and beyond!).  Please pray that God can make their hearts fertile ground on which to plant these next four years.  Please pray that we receive the gift of wisdom as we pray with and for these kids.  Please pray that our own hearts will be transformed and grow closer to God through the process.  Please pray that being a GodTeens family is a source of blessing for all of us--the GodTeens, the GodTeen families, our own children, our marriage, and our family.  

We are so impressed with the level of involvement at our parish, and are so excited to participate in this awesome ministry. 

God, we'll plant those itty bitty mustard seeds these four years and water, water, water.  Please cause the growth!

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