Here are some of our latest pictures and the funny things that've happened lately.
The largest strawberry I've ever seen |
Family trip to the neighborhood park a few weeks ago |
They're starting to play together more and more. Jane is surprisingly good at sharing her toys. "Here ya go, Walt." |
First bath together |
Splash, splash, splash! |
Cheeeeeeeeese! |
Walt in my favorite footie monster jammies |
Army crawling with Monty |
Celebrating Philip and Jane's birthdays with Philip's family. Jane looks like she's making a wish. |
Oatmeal and nanas. Yum, yum, yum! |
When I was pregnant with Walt and had a really sensitive nose, I started covering my nose with my shirt as I changed Janie's diapers. I still cover my nose from time to time if the kiddos have stinky diapers. I caught Jane changing her Baby Stella's diaper and covering her nose with her shirt. Monkey see, monkey do! |
We got some ice cream after dinner tonight. Jane had two memorable quotes. "Oooooooo, yummy! So cold!" "Janie, slow down!" |
Jane: "Mommy, watch show?"
Me: "No, no shows."
Jane: "News?"
At lunch, Jane kept saying, "Mama, tray, tray, tray!" I thought something was wrong with the tray on her seat. Eventually I figured out that she wasn't saying "tray," but "pray." She was upset that I offered her food without praying first. I said, "Oh, Janie, thank you for reminding Mama to pray first." She said, "You're welcome, Mama."
Philip came home from work. As he reached the gate at the top of the stairs, Jane said to him from the other side, "Dada, come over here!"
Now that Janie's 2, we decided it's time to say goodbye to the binkie. I was dreading the whole ordeal, and I was so nervous for her reaction. One night we decided to go cold turkey. As we got Janie ready for bed, we told her, "Janie, binkies are all gone. Binkies went bye bye." She looked at us, and I held my breath, waiting for screaming and tears. She looked in the box on her changing table where we had kept the binkies and discovered that they were, in fact, gone. She said, "Mama, Dada, binkies all gone." Then, to our surprise, she climbed into bed with her stuffed animals without a fuss, and went to bed as usual! She's never asked for a binkie since that night, and she's never tried to steal Walt's. Who is this kid?!
With allergy season in full force, there has been a lot of tissue use around here. I ask Janie several times a day to come over so that "Mama can wipe the boogies from your nose." The other day I was changing Janie's diaper. She looked up at me and pointed to my nose. "Mama, you got boogies in your nose!" Thanks, sweetie.
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